The ‘First Trimester’ EDIT

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The first trimester of pregnancy is the bit when you don’t look pregnant to the outside world but you may be feeling less then 100% on the inside, this is a time not to worry about what you are eating or if you are expanding, you just need to look after yourself. Which also means that it’s a time to dress for comfort and don’t worry this doesn’t mean that you can’t look great. Towards the end of this trimester is also when your regular clothes - well those with a waistband may have decided that they aren’t for you anymore, my advice would be to put these in storage - or in a zip-lock bag under the bed and FORGET about them for the meantime. Here is my edit of pieces that will make you feel lovely inside and out. A couple of things I would say are, give up on those items with a high waist and anything that pinches you in the wrong place now (mid-rise jeans I’m looking at you) Invest in some lovely new super soft PJs so you can really enjoy all those extra hours napping (if you are lucky enough to be in the position to do so) Buy jumpers and tops in longer styles, trousers are now best if they are low-rise, there are so many lovely knitted and soft jogging bottom styles around that it’s actually a great time to be pregnant.

Last of all, congratulations & I will be back soon with a second trimester edit !