Pregnancy Skincare


As I’m now in my last trimester I’ve been upping my skincare regime paying special attention to my bump and boobs, the expansion plan is real and I’ve been told how important it is to take special care at this point, it’s also a lovely way to connect with my baby and I love lying in bed massaging my tummy before I go to sleep at night.

1. Coconut Oil - I’ve found that this has been good to use all over my body before I go to bed. Coconut oil has anti inflammatory properties and is very healing so great to apply after shaving your legs, unless your are prone to getting clogged pores. I’ve found that since using I’ve had much clearer skin especially on the backs of my arms where occasionally I would get dryness and bumpy bits. It’s by far the most cost effective body product that I use on a regular basis. Make sure you massage it into your cuticles as it will keep them super soft, also and i’m not sure if it’s the oil or the pregnancy but my nails are definitely stronger since I’ve started using it also.


2. Babymoon Belly - This was sent to me as a gift from one of my new favourite (recently discovered) brands SUMMER FRIDAYS (Also check out the overnight AHA solution and the face scrub / mask). It’s the most beautiful balm that contains Calendula which is very calming on the skin, I’ve been using this every evening on my bump.


3. Almond Oil Shower Gel by L'OCCITANE This is brilliant, it’s basically shower gel but it’s an oil that when it comes into contact with water turns milky (I like this as you can see exactly where you’ve put it) if you are in a rush and don’t have time to moisturise - this is your lazy girl hack to soft skin. Oh and it smells of almonds, delicious !
